Thursday 28 July 2016

Those "4 Beautiful and bold pillars " ( a chilling true life short story? )

When I ran into one of my project site that morning, the inside of the house on the ground floor was cool. Yes the rain chased me all the way from my car through the open gates and into the building under construction. Inside one of the large lounges still undergoing a wall decoration, most of my workers were gathered in no particular order, some sitting while some stood, but they were gathered around a man I had never seen before amongst my team of workers. There was nothing noticeably out of place about this man when I gave him a good look, but I could see he was telling a story, and crying! But why? My first thought was that he was sick, or some other problem, so I cleaned off the rains from my face and shirt front even as I watched them all from the door. Surprisingly, my workers that usually spring to their feet to greet me were all looking frightened and wearing puzzling looks on their faces. Some greeted me in muffled tones while some waved, but this does not seem normal. So I drew near, sat down and decided to listen for a moment to understand what the issue was. The man was telling a sad story, which I will paraphrase and type , using the words he spoke. The story goes like this; "I was standing with many other labourers on the bus stop we usually come to hunt for menial jobs every morning when a car came and stopped before us. More than 15 of us all rushed around the car to solicit for work, asking the driver what he wanted. The driver said he wanted six labourers that can pour concrete manually so we all scrambled into the car with our bags, 6 of us squeezed ourselves into the car while he asked us to get our shovels and head pans. We all did and he zoomed off after we agreed prices for each bag of cement cast." "The car sped for about two kilometres and then he turned the car towards a bushy road, he stopped at the back of a van with its back covered standing in a clearing in the bush. As soon as he halted the car, 6 men armed with guns and looking very mean jumped out from the bush and surrounded the car, threatening to shoot us if we uttered a word. We were asked to climb into the van, then they locked the door and I heard them put a padlock to the door." "They drove us in darkness for over an hour as the van van specially built to be used to carry captives that cannot see the daylight. After about an hour and half of zigzag driving and start/stop, they parked the vehicle inside a big compound and let the labourers out. They then ordered them to start mixing sand with stone and cement to make a strong concrete mix, everything seemed normal but why the guns pointed to their heads? "You cannot see anything from this compound apart from the sky as very tall fences covered each side of the compound, on top of the fence is a zink fence extending up above the block fence so that even those on the top of the house cannot see far to identity the location of the compound. All the peace in the compound was shattered when they asked us to go pour the concrete inside the top of a pillar covered round with wood as usual." "As soon as the first labourer poured his load into the pillar, a loud cry of pain and anguish arose from inside the bowels of the pillars, the man looked in and behold, a young man was tied to the rods of the pillar inside and he was crying and begging to be freed, he was begging in different languages and screaming for mercy at the same time, he nearly ran but as he turned, a gun was pointed at his head to continue the concrete pour. I was so shocked I nearly fainted. " "When I came down to collect another load on the ground, I noticed that each of the four huge pillars has a person crying from inside it! Other labourers were also working with a gun pointed at their heads. Suddenly, one of the labourers turned and ran, knocking one of the armed men down with a shovel and running with surprising speed towards the gate, the armed man at the gate shot him at the head! The labourer fell to the ground with a loud thud, with blood freely flowing through the opening on his head. At that point we all lost the will to fight them." "Pouring the concrete continued, with the labourers being escorted each time as the poured concrete on crying, screaming young men inside the pillars until the concrete covered the heads of the men. This was so sickening that some labourers vomited on themselves. After the work, they were shepherded into the waiting covered van and driven into town in confusing zigzag driving till they dropped them off at a far corner of the town" (I ASKED HIM WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MAN SHOT, WAS HE TAKEN INTO TOWN?) "In fact, that is the greatest dilemma, the wife still comes from time to time to ask him if he ever saw her husband, but what can we say, how can you tell him what happened when you don't have the location to make your report. The police may even prosecute this labourer for withholding information for the past 3 weeks since the man disappeared. WHAT DO YOU ADVANCE THIS LABOURER TO DO IN ORDER TO EASE HIS EMOTIONAL TRAUMA?

Cost of a set of chairs in Enugu 2024

If you are looking to furnish your home, follow us as we bring you the current cost of well built furniture and home equipment as at now. We...