Saturday, 7 March 2015

Prisoner released by mistake!

An inmate was mistakenly released from the ACI's intake center in Cranston around 4 p.m. on Friday.
Now, corrections officials and police officers are trying to find him and bring him back.
While Allan Ferreira, 46, was supposed to be released from prison a year from now, he's been free for about seven hours.
According to prison records, Ferreira has a long criminal rap sheet, including domestic assaults, strangulation, and drug charges.
He was currently in jail for violating a no contact order out of Woonsocket. The spokeswoman for the Department of Corrections told NBC 10 News late Friday night that Ferreira was just sentenced to another year behind bars for that offense this week.
Ferreira went to court earlier on Friday for an appearance. When he came back to the ACI, he was mistakenly released around 4 p.m. because somehow prison workers failed to recognize the new time that had just been added on to his sentence.
Prison officials are admitting they messed up, noting miscommunication issues.
"I don't know where the error took place,” said Susan Lamkins, the ACI spokeswoman. “But, it was on our part, and we will be investigating.
Lamkins also said they contacted Woonsocket and State Police, telling each department that the victim in Ferreira's case has been notified.
She went on to say they have an idea where he may be, but he is still on the loose at this hour.

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