Friday, 10 April 2015

All you need to know about the concrete fascia (parapet) with pictures

1. Is the parapet worth the hype?
2. Is pre cast better than the full cast?
3. Is the costs worth the aesthetic value it can place on the building?
4. Can I add this to my private home or to a block of flats for rents?
5. What are the positives?
6. Does everything that has an advantage also have a disadvantage?
7. Can it prevent burglaries?
8. Can it prevent rodents and bats from hiding in my ceiling?
9. Does it limit indoor ventilation?
10. Can I do this parapet if my roof has been roofed before?

 The precast parapet is made by mixing a strong cement-sand ratio and pouring on a flat surface arranged on the ground. Allowing it to dry and manually lifting the dried segments to be joined in bits on the topmost blocks on top of the house. This will create a long hollow on top of the top blocks to be cast as the roof beam. Note that the precast parapet is always smoother when finished, because care was taken to make it smooth at the point of casting/pouring on the ground.

The concrete parapet is cast as a unit, after the woodwork which creates the design, then the reinforcement with iron rods.

See some selected pictures from some of our completed works where we built these designs. I personally supervised the construction of all these works. For more information, contact Spyder880 (Kenneth) on 08033350750 or send a mail to


  1. Good work, but are the advantage and disadvantage of parapet especially in Africa atmosphere.

  2. Pls,what is the standard height of fascia (parapet) on 6 inches block building, that can't fall


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