Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Conduit pipes for waste plumbing in Nigerian Home building

In Nigeria, the practice of building homes had been for all waste and supply pipes to run on the outside of the building, making it visible to all. But in our need for an improved look, and a better appearance of the building, builders decided to lay pipes into the walls, making it invisible to outside look. This seemed to solve the problem of the external appearance not being cluttered with pipes, but another problem was created almost immediately. This is the problem of hidden pipes. Hidden pipes could be a major problem, especially when it develops a leak, this leak will be passing water, and even effluent sometimes into the structural segments of the building. The effects of a leakage could be destructive in the long term for any building as this could easily lead to structural failures, as the water causes a rust on the iron reinforcement of the building. This is why we advice the use of good, strong pipes for connection of waste and supply systems in our homes.

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